The COVID-19 pandemic has affected a great number of cultural centers, libraries, universities of third age, NGOs which are acting for the promotion of culture in small towns and rural areas, through their closing down. Furthermore, senior citizens have been exposed in a great risk of social exclusion and isolation because of the lack of digital competences during this pandemic. Numerous courses in digital literacy have been organised for several years by local CCS institutions in all participating countries but their effectiveness is limited.
What is more, due to COVID-19 pandemic, educators from local CCS institutions need to find a way to get in touch with people with limited digital skills and to offer them some sort of on-line cultural activities that are attractive enough to motivate them to enter the digital world. This is particularly difficult now, when they are locked in their homes.
AIMS: The Erasmus+ KA2 CEDAC project aims to offer to trainers / educators from CCS institutions (libraries, cultural centers etc.), mainly based in rural areas or small cities an innovative training programme which will motivate seniors to enter the digital world safely, to improve their creativity skills and to discover the culture and arts resources and events online.
MAIN OBJECTIVE: The project’s main objective will be to help seniors become more active citizens of the society by developing digital and creative skills. By this, seniors will no longer be socially isolated and they will stay active through art and culture.