OPEN MUSEUMS - European Museums stay open through digital technologies 

OPEN MUSEUMS is an Erasmus+ project that is co-funded by the European Commission.
The small and medium museum of the post Covid era needs to be digitally transformed in creating value through storytelling, emotional contact, and community engagement. It must ensure that cultural heritage and local development are safeguarded in a sustainable way and that its creation and communication of meaning is diverse and inclusive.

The project OPEN MUSEUMS aims at providing the staff of European museums with the necessary digital skills to attain the organisation’s digital transformation not only, but especially if their museum is of the smaller or medium scale.  

The partners of the project are:  
  • Fundación Rosalía de Castro - Spain (applicant) 
  • IDEC - Greece
  • eidosd solucions sl - Spain
  • ATERMON B.V. - Netherlands

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

erasmus+ cofinancing en

Realizando este curso aprenderás cómo 

  • Crear una visita virtual a una colección específica o al conjunto de exhibiciones del museo 

  • Manejar las redes sociales del museo, comunicar y enganchar al público a través de la creación de contenido (vídeos, juegos, podcasts, fotografías, textos, concursos y publicaciones de blog) 

  • Crear una tienda electrónica con merchandising para sostener la economía del museo, esté este abierto o haya sido forzado a cerrar por un imprevisto como una crisis de salud pública como la que hemos vivido

Παρακολουθώντας το μάθημα αυτό, θα μάθετε πως να:  

  • Δημιουργήσετε μια εικονική ξενάγηση για το μουσείο σας, σχετικά με μια συγκεκριμένη συλλογή ή το σύνολο των εκθεμάτων του μουσείου. 
  • Χειρίζεστε τους λογαριασμούς κοινωνικών δικτύων του μουσείου, επικοινωνώντας και αλληλεπιδρώντας με το κοινό, μέσω της δημιουργίας περιεχομένου (βίντεο, παιχνίδια, podcasts, φωτογραφίες, κείμενα, διαγωνισμοί, αναρτήσεις σε blog).  
  • Δημιουργήσετε ένα ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα για αντίγραφα εκθεμάτων του μουσείου και αναμνηστικών, ώστε να διατηρήσουν ένα εισόδημα για το μουσείο όσο είναι ανοιχτό και στην περίπτωση που αναγκαστεί να κλείσει λόγω απρόβλεπτου γεγονότος, όπως κάποιο πρόβλημα υγείας.  

Door deze cursus te volgen, leert u hoe u:

  • Maak een virtuele museumtour met betrekking tot een specifieke collectie of de som van de museumexposities.
  • Social Media accounts van een museum beheert, communiceert en het publiek betrekt door het creëren van content (video's, games, podcasts, foto's, teksten, wedstrijden, blog posts).
  • Een e-shop opzetten voor kopieën van museumartefacten en memorabilia om inkomsten te genereren voor het museum terwijl het open is en als het gedwongen wordt te sluiten in een onvoorziene situatie zoals een gezondheidscrisis.

Seguendo questo corso imparerai a:

  • Crea un tour virtuale del museo riguardante una collezione specifica o l’intero patrimonio museale.

  • Gestire gli account sui social media di un museo, comunicando e coinvolgendo il pubblico attraverso la creazione di contenuti (video, giochi, podcast, fotografie, testi, concorsi, post su blog). 

  • Creare un e-shop per copie di manufatti e opere per sostenere le entrate museali mentre è aperto e se è costretto a chiudere in una situazione imprevista come una crisi sanitaria.

By following this course, you will learn how to:

  • Create a virtual museum tour regarding a specific collection or the sum of the museum exhibits.
  • Handle Social Media accounts of a museum, communicating and engaging the public through content creation (videos, games, podcasts, photographs, texts, contests, blog posts).
  • Create an e-shop for copies of museum artifacts and memorabilia to sustain income for the museum while it is open and if it is forced to close in an unforeseen situation such as a health crisis.