The DIFME training course intends
to enhance entrepreneurs' capacity to undertake responsible financial
choices and to understand digital techniques readily available to boost
their enterprise internationally.
It is divided into 9 separate training modules:
- Introduction to business
- Financing the business
- Sustaining the business
- Registration, taxes, and other legal requirements
- Cybersecurity
- Digital marketing
- Digital transformation and strategy
- Managing relationships with customers online
- Data Analytics and Business intelligence
- Teacher: Leonie Baldacchino
- Teacher: Kristina Buhagiar
- Teacher: Jack Foley
- Teacher: Marika Huber
- Teacher: Dorina Kabakchieva
- Teacher: Kamelia Stefanova
Il corso di formazione DIFME intende
rafforzare la capacità degli imprenditori di intraprendere
scelte finanziarie responsabili e di comprendere le tecniche
digitali disponibili per promuovere la propria impresa a livello
È suddiviso in 9 moduli di formazione:
- Introduzione al business
- Finanziareil tuo business
- Sostenere il proprio business
- Registrazione, tasse e altri requisiti legali
- Cybersecurity
- Marketing digitale
- Strategia di trasformazione digitale
- Gestione online dei rapporti con i clienti
- Data Analytics e Business intelligence
- Teacher: Mirna Fusaro
The DIFME training course intends
to enhance entrepreneurs' capacity to undertake responsible financial
choices and to understand digital techniques readily available to boost
their enterprise internationally.
It is divided into 9 separate training modules:
- Introduction to business
- Financing the business
- Sustaining the business
- Registration, taxes, and other legal requirements
- Cybersecurity
- Digital marketing
- Digital transformation and strategy
- Managing relationships with customers online
- Data Analytics and Business intelligence
- Teacher: Nynke De Jager
The DIFME training course intends
to enhance entrepreneurs' capacity to undertake responsible financial
choices and to understand digital techniques readily available to boost
their enterprise internationally.
It is divided into 9 separate training modules:
- Einführung ins Geschäft
- Finanzierung Ihres Unternehmens
- Aufrechterhaltung Ihres Unternehmens
- Registrierung, Steuern und andere gesetzliche Anforderungen
- Cyber-Sicherheit
- Digitales Marketing
- Digitale Transformation und Strategie
- Beziehungen zu Kunden online verwalten
- Datenanalyse und Business Intelligence
- Teacher: Sean Sassmannshausen
- Teacher: Sophie Tartler
Обучителният курс DIFME има за цел да подобри знанията и уменията на предприемачите, за да предприемат
отговорни финансови избори и да разбират дигиталните технологии, които са лесно
достъпни и могат да подпомогнат тяхното предприятие в международен план.
Курсът е разделен на 9 отделни модула за обучение:
- Въведение в бизнеса
- Финансиране на бизнеса
- Устойчивост на бизнеса
- Регистрация, данъци и други законови изисквания
- Кибер сигурност
- Дигитален маркетинг
- Дигитална трансформация и стратегия
- Управление на взаимоотношения с клиенти онлайн
- Бизнес интелигентност
- Teacher: Dorina Kabakchieva
- Teacher: Kamelia Stefanova
The DIFME training course intends
to enhance entrepreneurs' capacity to undertake responsible financial
choices and to understand digital techniques readily available to boost
their enterprise internationally.
It is divided into 9 separate training modules:
- Introduction to business
- Financing the business
- Sustaining the business
- Registration, taxes, and other legal requirements
- Cybersecurity
- Digital marketing
- Digital transformation and strategy
- Managing relationships with customers online
- Data Analytics and Business intelligence
- Teacher: Eirini Leriou
- Teacher: George Priniotakis
- Teacher: Marisa Sigala
- Teacher: Anastasios Tzerachoglou